Set Lists | December 1, 2019 - Redbar

December 1, 2019


St. Francis, WI

Set 1
Flying Blind
Don't Do Anything You'll Regret
Started Out With A Bang
Drive in Reverse
I Fell in Love With You
I Don't Know Why I Love You (But I Do)
Whiff of Weed
Things No Woman Wants to Hear Some Strange Guy Say to Her When She's Sitting at a Bar
Look at What the Cat Dragged In
I Am Wonderful
Screw You

Set 2
I'm All Right, You're All Right
Ruin My Life
Mr. Jameson
This Song Sounds Better When You're High
Cheer Up
Knock Things Over
Just Before the Fall
Big Porno Hair
I Do What I Gotta Do
Hey Paddy!
Tribute to the 90s
Sex & Beer