Sports and Porn

I met this guy the other day
He bought me a drink, what could I say
He had my ear from noon to three
These are the words he said to me

Sports and porn, that's what I like
Sports all day and porn all night
You see this drink, it tastes all right
But sports and porn, that's what I like

Sports and porn, that's what I like
Then he went on, he said

I have a wife, my second one
It's like she speaks in a foreign tongue
I don't understand what these women think
But I understand pigskin and pink

Sports and porn, that's what I like
Sports all day and porn all night
I'll order steak, I'll take a bite
But sports and porn, that's what I like

Sports and porn, that's what I like
Sports all day and porn all night
I may go out and bowl a strike
But sports and porn, that's what I like