Big Fucking Macho Guy
I'm a big fucking macho guy
I'm a big fucking macho guy
I'm a big fucking macho guy
I go fishing in the summer and hunting in the winter
I drink Pabst Blue Ribbon, watch hockey games
'Cause I'm a big fucking macho guy
I'm a big fucking macho guy
I've got a great big flannel shirt that my wife bought at K-Mart
My blue jeans droop so you can see my crack
I sit on the couch watching ESPN
Mostly I prefer kick-boxing
'Cause I'm a big fucking macho guy
I'm a big fucking macho guy
I've got a great big dead animal hanging in my garage
He's upside-down with his tongue hanging out
And I sit on my lawn chair with a couple of slats missing
So my butt pokes through and makes lumps if you were looking from the other side
My wife and kids are afraid to come into the garage
'Cause they're afraid that I might SNAP
They're afraid I'll take off my flannel shirt
And they're afraid I'll take of my blue jeans that droop so you can see my crack
And they're afraid I'll go down in the basement and get an AK-47
And put a bandana around my head and make my tatoos move
And they're afraid I'll walk down the street of my suburban neighborhood
Watching my neighbors mow their lawns with their riding John Deere lawn mowers
Pickin' them off, one by one
And I'll sing my song, loud and proud
I'm a big fucking macho guy
I'm a big fucking macho guy
I'm a big fucking macho guy
So what's it too you?
I'm a big fucking macho guy
I'm a big fucking macho guy
I go fishing in the summer and hunting in the winter
I drink Pabst Blue Ribbon, watch hockey games
'Cause I'm a big fucking macho guy
I'm a big fucking macho guy
I've got a great big flannel shirt that my wife bought at K-Mart
My blue jeans droop so you can see my crack
I sit on the couch watching ESPN
Mostly I prefer kick-boxing
'Cause I'm a big fucking macho guy
I'm a big fucking macho guy
I've got a great big dead animal hanging in my garage
He's upside-down with his tongue hanging out
And I sit on my lawn chair with a couple of slats missing
So my butt pokes through and makes lumps if you were looking from the other side
My wife and kids are afraid to come into the garage
'Cause they're afraid that I might SNAP
They're afraid I'll take off my flannel shirt
And they're afraid I'll take of my blue jeans that droop so you can see my crack
And they're afraid I'll go down in the basement and get an AK-47
And put a bandana around my head and make my tatoos move
And they're afraid I'll walk down the street of my suburban neighborhood
Watching my neighbors mow their lawns with their riding John Deere lawn mowers
Pickin' them off, one by one
And I'll sing my song, loud and proud
I'm a big fucking macho guy
I'm a big fucking macho guy
I'm a big fucking macho guy
So what's it too you?