I Ran Right Back to You

Last night and lots of nights before
I said I can't take this any more
I convinced myself that we were through
And then I ran right back to you

I slunk into the nearest bar
To forget how raving mad you are
I nursed a drink or maybe two
And then I ran right back to you

I knew if I didn't there'd be hell to pay
And it's almost impossible to stay away

I drove around the neighborhood
I killed some time the best that I could
I ate Mongolian barbecue
And then I ran right back to you

I always run right back to you
I knew if I didn't there'd be hell to pay
And it's almost impossible to stay away

Tomorrow night if tempers flair
If I find myself in a bar somewhere
I'll wonder what a man would do
And then I'll run right back to you

And then I'll run right back to you
I always run right back to you

Right back to you