Canadian Porn

A handsome guy, his beautiful wife
Were living in Quebec
She's a blond who never smiles
And he's an architect
Who goes to Toronto on a business trip
And meets a femme fatale
Wearing business casual

She was the CEO
Of a big Canadian company
In the boardroom she puts her hand
Upon the architect's knee
They bike back to her house
And she takes off her khaki skirt
They take separate showers first

Canadian porn, I can't stop watching it
Canadian porn, hotter than you'll admit
Canadian porn, wild as it can be
Makes me twitch, makes me tingle
All the moaning is bilingual
Nary an expletive sworn
Canadian porn

Back in Quebec, he and his wife
Have a dinner party for their friends
The wine is flowing, the tension growing
The heat is rising then
They get up from the table, say au revoir
And kiss each other on both cheeks
Man, it makes my knees go weak

Canadian porn, I can't stop watching it
Canadian porn, hotter than you'll admit
Canadian porn, wild as it can be
Makes me twitch, makes me tingle
All the moaning is bilingual
Nary an expletive sworn
Nary a bodice is torn
Nary a region is shorn
From evening until early morn

Canadian porn, I can't stop watching it
Canadian porn, hotter than you'll admit
Canadian porn, wild as it can be
Never greasy or obscene
You can watch it while you eat poutine
Or maybe a little popcorn
Canadian porn

Canadian porn, I can't stop watching it