Don't Know Nothin'

I don't know nothin'
You don't know nothin'
We don't know anything
It ain't no secret

There's only two people
In the whole wide world
Who know anything at all
They've got all the answers

But they don't speak English
They never wore blue jeans
They never saw cable
Don't have a satellite dish

I don't know nothin'
You don't know nothin'
We don't know anything
It ain't no secret

There's only two people
In the whole wide world
Who know anything at all
They've got all the answers

But they don't speak English
Never drank a Pepsi
And they never ate a french fry
Or a Quarter Pounder with Cheese

I don't know nothin'
You don't know nothin'
We don't know anything
I said we don't know shit

There's just two people
In the whole wide world
They can tell the future
And they never make mistakes

They're not American
They live on an island
They've never heard of Jesus
Or Dolphins or Packers

They just keep their mouth shut
And they never say a word
They don't know a superstition
And all the fairy tales

I don't know nothin'